Why The Concept Brought Into "I Can See Your Voice" Program Seems Appealing? - :: CLASSIC LEMONADE ::

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why The Concept Brought Into "I Can See Your Voice" Program Seems Appealing?

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From your average reality program to your scripted television shows, I believe that South Korean entertainment industry has managed to slowly conquer it all from time to time. Be it getting a show to be as big as "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" or something that is in the same line as "American Idol", they always manage to excel with an excellent pickup lines and trend.

I Can See Your Voice
Now which is listed as my current favorite directly from South Korea, the mystery reality musical quiz show "I Can See Your Voice" which is hosted by the uber-talented Lee Teuk from Super Junior and inspiring hit singer Kim Bum Soo. The show which is now airing it's third season currently on channel TVN, has garnered quite an impressive viewers ever since it's debut three years ago.

The participants: Tone deft and talented singers
The show that is separated by three different segments where the first segment will have the guest stars to guess the tone deft and get rid of them according to their appearances and singing gestures. The second segment requires the participants to perform lip-sync to the songs while the end of the segment will allow the participants to show the guest stars proofs showing that they are the talented singers.

Presented by TVN
If the guest stars are lucky they'll get to perform live with the talented singer in the end of the show and the participant will receive a recording contract too. Unfortunately if the tone deft is chosen in the end, she/he will win worth of USD 5000 cash money. Truly an inspiring show that able to showcase some of the incredible talents around the country.

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